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Posted by duncan, 572 days ago

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Reading discussion "Parenting" - Join this discussion / 5 comment(s)
I can't believe we don't have an 'eco' parenting section here on ecolocal. Clearly, there's no better solution that to start a brand new discussion on parenting the ecolocal way :)

Let's talk about the basics (nappies, feeding and play), the politics (smacking, diet and nursery) and any other tips you've discovered along the way, like this one - Parenting the ID.


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  1. Re: Parenting by JoP, 572 days ago

    In my opinion and experience bringing up children is the hardest job we as humans do - but ultimately the most rewarding and pleasurable.

    From pregnancy onwards we are continually bombarded and innundated with "advice" from all quarters - parents, friends, the media and for the past few years more and more by politicians. It can all be extremely confusing and frustrating!

    I think instinct and common sense should prevail, along with a huge sense of humour!

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    1. Re: Re: Parenting by shinningstar, 567 days ago

      Parenting is a little bit risky but challenging. You'll enjoy the idea of being a mother or a father. You will learned a lot from you own mistakes. One thing that's very important for parents is to be a good model of their children.It's simply because a child is a great imitators.

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      1. Re: Re: Re: Parenting by ecosrights, 566 days ago

        Yes, it improves your eating habits and your speech!

        If you don't want them eating junk, you can't do so infront of them. Likewise, you use full sentences, pronounce things correctly and, if you're a person who swears normally, you'll cut back on that if you don't want your child to copy you.

        You'll also notice habits they have and think "where did that come from" then later on realise that you do it yourself!

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  2. Re: Parenting by duncan, 565 days ago

    Well, according to this artilce in The Scotsman, being a busy working mum is good for your health:

    "Women stay in better shape if they pursue a career, become a mother and have a healthy relationship, stopping them becoming obese [...] In comparison, housewives are much more likely to become overweight and have poorer health."

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  3. Re: Parenting by duncan, 530 days ago

    It's not all that 'eco' but it is about Dads, so here's a good list of parenting tips for Fathers:


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