Green news and views
Have you got a green event or business, or a family focussed event (or series of events) that you would like to publicise? If so, simply register and add it to your region on our site.If you're looking for something to do or some information about living a greener and healthier life style, please check out our events, posts or discussions and feel free to join in any of the conversations.
About ecolocal
ecolocal is a new website designed to help you find out about healthy living in your area. If, like us, you're raising a young family, then ecolocal can help you find out how to do it the healthy way. And if, like us, you've renovated houses to get yourself up the property ladder, we can help you find out how to do it the green way.

We believe that where there's an affordable, eco-friendly alternative, we should take it. ecolocal is here to help you find out about those alternatives and spread the word about any experiences you have.
ecolocal is also designed to help you spread the word about local news. We've split the website up into four sections to help you find the most relevant news.
- » The Home life section deals with news around your the home - such as recycling, energy savings and relevant council services,
- » The Health section deals with living a health lifestyle - what to eat and new ideas for exercise.
- » The Family section deals with everything you need to make your family greener.
- » The Events section is a place to publicise local events, like fetes, farmers' markets or zoos.
Behind the scenes, ecolocal is powered by the fabulous Ruby on Rails web framework and queries the clever Geonames database of places and postcodes. It might not look like it, but ecolocal is a Web 2.0 mashup of user-generated content and location sensitive social networks!
If you want to talk to us in more detail, send us an email using the contact page.
Jane & Duncan at