Lamorbey Swimming Pool and gym
Posted by jane, 718 days ago

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Reading article "Lamorbey Swimming Pool and gym" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Lamorbey Swimming Centre is one of three Centres managers by Parkwood Leisure in Bexley. The Centre offers a warm and friendly atmosphere for you to enjoy your leisure time. The Centre offers the following activities:
* 25 Meter Swimming Pool
* Air Conditioned Fitness Studio
* Aquafit and Spinfit Classes
* Sauna
Lamorbey Swimming Centre is one of three Centres managers by Parkwood Leisure in Bexley. The Centre offers a warm and friendly atmosphere for you to enjoy your leisure time. The Centre offers the following activities:
* 25 Meter Swimming Pool
* Air Conditioned Fitness Studio
* Aquafit and Spinfit Classes
* Sauna

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I've just found the information about the new pool / gym etc that opened earlier in 2008.
Click here for the up to date website.
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