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Posted by duncan, 297 days ago

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I can't believe we don't have an 'eco' parenting section here on ecolocal. Clearly, there's no better solution that to start a brand new discussion on parenting the ecolocal way :)

Let's talk about the basics (nappies, feeding and play), the politics (smacking, diet and nursery) and any other tips you've discovered along the way, like this one - Parenting the ID. Reply to this discussion / Report this discussion
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Re: Re: Re: Parenting by ecosrights, 333 days ago

Yes, it improves your eating habits and your speech!

If you don't want them eating junk, you can't do so infront of them. Likewise, you use full sentences, pronounce things correctly and, if you're a person who swears normally, you'll cut back on that if you don't want your child to copy you.

You'll also notice habits they have and think "where did that come from" then later on realise that you do it yourself!

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