Recycle Your Unwanted Books
Posted by duncan, 594 days ago

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Reading article "Recycle Your Unwanted Books" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Another great idea from the Woodland Trust - 5p will be donated to the Trust and you could receive up to £3 when you recycle your unwanted books online with Green Metropolis.
Sign up with Green Metropolis and get recycling :)
Another great idea from the Woodland Trust - 5p will be donated to the Trust and you could receive up to £3 when you recycle your unwanted books online with Green Metropolis.
Sign up with Green Metropolis and get recycling :)

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I've sold a dozen or so books through this site now (and bought quite a few). So far it works well.... one to support if, like me, you have shelves full of books that you wont read again, but want to be sure that they are not going to waste.
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