Wokr Local And Reduce Your Carbon Foorptrit
Posted by Hogsmill, 10 days ago
Link: http://novatonthat.com

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Reading article "Wokr Local And Reduce Your Carbon Foorptrit" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
Hi All,
I wonder if you;d be interested in our newly launched web site? It's all about getting local people helping out local people, cutting down on traveling and emissions, ad get things done cheaper as a bonus - less travel means less cost!
Registration is free at the mo', so plaease feel to have a look at http://novatonthat.com. Don't forget to post your experiences in our forums!
Best Regards,
Steve Wells
Hi All,
I wonder if you;d be interested in our newly launched web site? It's all about getting local people helping out local people, cutting down on traveling and emissions, ad get things done cheaper as a bonus - less travel means less cost!
Registration is free at the mo', so plaease feel to have a look at http://novatonthat.com. Don't forget to post your experiences in our forums!
Best Regards,
Steve Wells

About ecolocal.co.uk
Ecolocal is free to join - why not register today? Our members can start discussions and comment on all the threads taking place throughout ecolocal.co.uk.Help us build the best source for healthy living and local news by submitting your tips, events and links so that we can all learn how to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
That sounds right on target - we're all about using local resources to reduce your environmental footprint and if it means supporting local business at the same time, then even better as the overall outcome has to be positive.
And you're right, staying local and aiming green often saves money in the long run.
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Hi There,
Cheers for the support - please feel free to spread the word! Let's all get local...
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