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Eco Fashion and Design Event 2008

Posted by ecosrights, 99 days ago

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Eco-Fashion and Design Event - During London
Sustainability Weeks 2008

Time to tear yourselves away from the idea of
eco-fashion being all about cotton basics, casual wear
and t-shirts! Eco Design Fair and amoosi have teamed
up to create an exciting event to prove that
eco-fashion can also be incredibly stylish, glamorous
and well-tailored.

This high end, eco fashion event will provide the
perfect sustainable design shopping experience: 25
design stalls, selling fashion and fashion
accessories, childrens' clothing, natural bodycare
products, home accessories, lighting, cards and gifts.

Live acoustic music and DJs.

Date: Thursday 19th June
Time: 5-9pm (fashion parade 8pm)
Venue: Candid Arts, 1st Floor, Torrens Street. Angel
Admission: £2 on door - includes complementary glass
of wine and fashion show.

Start date Start date: Thu Jun 19, 2008
End date End date: Thu Jun 19, 2008

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