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Posted by duncan, 1728 days ago

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Reading article "eSmogCheck" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
Via Jeremy Zawodny comes this useful website called eSmogCheck:

"eSmogCheck is the answer. Simply give it your zip code and it shows nearby smog check stations and their prices. Some establishments have joined the Internet revolution to offer on-line reservations and special pricing."

This looks like a great website that makes the most of what the internet can achieve on a local, civic level (the quick and easy release of information) and combines it with the best of what the internet can achieve on a wider, business level (grouping together a large number of consumers in order to lower prices). eSmogCheck does all this by giving residents in San Francisco, the Peninsula - South bay and East bay a simple zip code based search engine that makes finding your local station 'quick and easy'.

It's not just a simple listings database, either, with eSmogCheck you can read reviews or secure your appointment by pre-paying online.

Here at ecolocal this is exactly the kind of service that we love seeing the internet used for - it's local, community based and works on you behalf to help the environment.

Why aren't there more websites like this?


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  1. Re: eSmogCheck by Anonymous, 1574 days ago

    sorry, but this site doesn't seem to exist anymore. Sounded nice, but smog testing seems like its really being taken advantage of by the people who provide testing. I wouldn't be surprised if it was an unorganized conspiracy.


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    1. Re: Re: eSmogCheck by Anonymous, 1525 days ago

      I ran across this site too. I think it's the same concept.


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    2. Re: Re: eSmogCheck by Anonymous, 1445 days ago

      Both these sites don't make any sense. Onlinesmogcheck.com will be out of business soon also. Why would you pay more and on-line. I called severalof the stations listed on onlinesmogcheck.com and found that if you call the station direct and pay when you get there you can get a much better price. I talked to one station owner... apperently it's free to list your business on this site, however the site bumps up the actual cost of the smog check and keeps the extra amount as profit. Usualy this amount is about 20%.

      Rip off! You should stay away from these sites.

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      1. Re: Re: Re: eSmogCheck by Anonymous, 301 days ago

        if ur looking for a place to get your car smogged in san francisco, i recommend this place. www.cleanairsmog.com

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