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Vegan running shoes

Posted by suttree, 1797 days ago

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Reading article "Vegan running shoes" - Reply to this / 8 comment(s)


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  1. I wonder by Clark056, 1750 days ago

    Can they do this for any shoes? Most shoes are made out of rubber or PV (fake leather) so couldn't any shoe company do something like this?

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  2. i like sneakers by rae, 1736 days ago

    That's a cool idea, I think.

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  3. sounds like a scam to me... by Thumperfive, 1735 days ago

    so.. what's so revolutionary about these that they cost so much?

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  4. Re: Vegan running shoes by Anonymous, 1554 days ago

    they might be vegan but that dosnt make them cruelty free


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    1. Re: Re: Vegan running shoes by suttree, 1554 days ago

      You raise a good point - and not just about these Vegan shoes either. A number of high profile supermarkets here in the UK sell clothes at incredibly cheap prices. Plenty of shoppers buy them thinking that they're paying a decent price because, in the UK, we like to think that we get ripped off when it comes to added tax and European prices (things are much cheaper in the US, "Rip off Britian", etc).

      The real issue, though, is not that clothes are cheap at last, but how can they afford to be so cheap? If you're buying a pair of jeans for £5, then someone, somewhere is making less money out of it, and you can be fairly sure that it's not a company or executive giving you that discount Most likely, it's someone from the East working longer hours, taking less breaks for less money.

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      1. Re: Re: Re: Vegan running shoes by suttree, 1550 days ago

        Well, that was a well-timed comment:


        "Textile workers in Bangladesh get paid as little as five pence an hour to make cheap clothes for UK companies Tesco, Asda and Primark, a report says."


        "Bargain retailers such as Primark, Asda and Tesco are only able to sell at rock bottom prices in the UK because women workers in Bangladesh are being exploited," said War on Want chief executive Louise Richards.

        Certainly makes you think twice about buying those cheap, cheap clothes.

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  5. Re: Vegan running shoes by ecosrights, 1554 days ago

    They are also made out of pretty unpleasant chemicals a lot of the time - many "vegan" alternatives to leather are actually petroleum based, so in the long run, which is worse?

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    1. Re: Re: Vegan running shoes by Anonymous, 111 days ago

      The chemicals used to prepare dead skin from the murdered animal is dowsed in incredibly harmful chemicals which have a dreadful affect on the workers who loose limbs through the process. These chemicals find their way into the ground/ water and do even more damage.
      The terrible conditions for workers in either the leather industry or in sweat shops is wrong but the leather industry murders millions of cows, pigs, dogs etc.. every year on top of the cruel conditions to the laborious workers.

      Also having gone to debates about clothes coming into Europe that have come from sweat shops in Asia I learnt and agreed that its best not to stop buying the items as this has a worse effect on the workers but to communicate with the companies which sell buy the products for so little a price.

      With both situations the oppressor wins when nothing is done. We should all take actions when there are systematic wrongdoings in place and fight against those behind such exploits.

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