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Posted by Volunteer1, 471 days ago

If you want to learn about organic food, diapers/nappies or just how to be green then why not join today?

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Reading event "UK AWARE" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
UK AWARE 2011 will bring together over 200 exhibitors, 10,000 visitors, low carbon vehicles and over 80 world class guest speakers, all under one roof. 2011 will be the fourth year of sending out positive messages and discovering just some of the green and ethical changes that can be introduced into daily life without compromising a modern lifestyle. Exhibitors will be showcasing thousands of products and services ranging from cars to computers, from fashion to food and from travel to advice services.

Just some of the attractions appearing at UK AWARE 2011:-

* An interest for everyone! Our eco-zones:- Transport, Health & Beauty, Home and Garden, Lifestyle, Business
* The Green Business Surgery: an oasis of solutions to make your business a sustainable champion
* Kids area: shows and interactive activities designed to inspire the next generation
* Skills area: urban bee keeping, restyling your clothes, bike repair and maintenance.... plus much much more!

Join our newsletter on www.ukaware.com to be kept up to date with the latest developments.


Start date Start date: Thu Sep 22, 2011
End date End date: Thu Sep 22, 2011

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