The Incredible Veggie Show 2009
Posted by ecosrights, 861 days ago

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Reading event "The Incredible Veggie Show 2009" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
Venue: Royal Horticultural Halls, London
Date: Saturday 18 Apr 2009
Time: 10am-6pm
Everything is vegan in the show... lots of inspiration about going veggie or vegan - shoes, food, body care. All of those things that you don't always consider as a veggie! Worth a look around whether you want to go veggie or not - increasing your general awareness is a positive step without making all of the changes (something always seeps in and makes you think twice about your actions occasionally)
Description: Everything you ever wanted to know about being or going vegetarian or vegan, or simply cutting down on meat. 100 stalls, cookery demos by Rose Elliot, talks by top experts, free food samples, food and drink, clothing & footwear, beauty & bodycare, health advice, recipes & books, green living, campaign news, competitions, vegan cafe, toddlers' play area. Admission £4, under 18s free. Prebook and save 25%!
Venue: Lawrence Hall & Conference Centre, Royal Horticultural Halls, Greycoat Street, London SW1 2QD
Contacts: Angie Greenaway Viva! 8 York Court Wilder Street Bristol BS2 8QH Tel: 0117 944 1000
Venue: Royal Horticultural Halls, London
Date: Saturday 18 Apr 2009
Time: 10am-6pm
Everything is vegan in the show... lots of inspiration about going veggie or vegan - shoes, food, body care. All of those things that you don't always consider as a veggie! Worth a look around whether you want to go veggie or not - increasing your general awareness is a positive step without making all of the changes (something always seeps in and makes you think twice about your actions occasionally)
Description: Everything you ever wanted to know about being or going vegetarian or vegan, or simply cutting down on meat. 100 stalls, cookery demos by Rose Elliot, talks by top experts, free food samples, food and drink, clothing & footwear, beauty & bodycare, health advice, recipes & books, green living, campaign news, competitions, vegan cafe, toddlers' play area. Admission £4, under 18s free. Prebook and save 25%!
Venue: Lawrence Hall & Conference Centre, Royal Horticultural Halls, Greycoat Street, London SW1 2QD
Contacts: Angie Greenaway Viva! 8 York Court Wilder Street Bristol BS2 8QH Tel: 0117 944 1000
Start date: Sat Apr 18, 2009
End date: Sat Apr 18, 2009


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