London Oasis
Posted by suttree, 266 days ago

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Reading article "London Oasis" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
This looks fun, the London Oasis is a sculpture set up during London's architecture week, to highlight how green principles are being folded in to new buildings. The London Oasis is an eco-friendly 'tree' that "interacts with the environment around it. It senses time, the weather, and people, and responds accordingly. At night, it uses the energy stored during the day to power a beacon in the form of a light show, which responds to the movement of people around it."
More info here -
This looks fun, the London Oasis is a sculpture set up during London's architecture week, to highlight how green principles are being folded in to new buildings. The London Oasis is an eco-friendly 'tree' that "interacts with the environment around it. It senses time, the weather, and people, and responds accordingly. At night, it uses the energy stored during the day to power a beacon in the form of a light show, which responds to the movement of people around it."
More info here -


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You can read another review here:
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And here's some video of it 'in action' -
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aw, that looks awesome! I was in London last week...I can't believe I didn't know aboutit then.
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