Healthy Snack for Kids...
Posted by angelicwriter, 531 days ago
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Reading discussion "Healthy Snack for Kids..." - Join this discussion / 4 comment(s)
Hey Everybody! I'm looking for a healthy snack for my kids. Does any have any suggestions for healthy snacks for kids? Reply to this
Hey Everybody! I'm looking for a healthy snack for my kids. Does any have any suggestions for healthy snacks for kids? Reply to this


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My little ones love to snack on fruit and veggies. (organic) They also like organic yogurt, crackers (I buy the most natural ones I can find), peanut butter sandwiches. My oldest loves leftovers-he will eat just about anything cold right out of the fridge!
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My kiddos love the ants on a log snack (celery with PB and raisins). My daughter also goes through pounds of sunflower seeds and my son is like Evies' and will eat leftovers cold all the time.
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I wish that our son would eat raw veg, but no... not a chance. So for him it's banana's, crackers with Marmite (can't get enough of those) and plain popcorn as a treat.
Then as real treats, there are the homemade cakes and biscuits that he really enjoys making. Make your own and you are sure there's no junk in them, the ingredients are organic and you can reduce the fat and sugar content by using alternatives such as juices, honey, yogurt etc.
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I like veggies with dip, and a good alternative to those sugary fruit snacks are fruit leather, all natural fruit and kids still like it!
Yogurt with granola was always something I looked forward to as a kid.
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