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Reading discussion "Recycle" - Join this discussion / 6 comment(s)
How many people do you think really recycle? What do you think people should do to get more people to recycle.
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How many people do you think really recycle? What do you think people should do to get more people to recycle.
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As I look down the block on trash day I see that a lot of people in our neighborhood have recycle bins out too. It helps that the city we live in will give out bins to anyone who wants them and arranges for weekly pickup.
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That is awesome happy, I wish we had the recycle bins here. Although with our trash service we pay an additional "recycling fee". They have people that work on an assembly line separating the recyclables.
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That's ridiculous that you have to pay to recycle. One of the things around here is that you have to separate the recyclables prior to pickup or they won't take them. I think it's well worth the effort.
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When we found out our street had the service, we applied for our bin and stickers! Funny thing, it was my little brother's idea. I guess he needed to find a place for all of those water bottles he has all over his floor!
We go through an insane amount of boxes, and being artists, a lot of paper!
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I think in our local area there is about a 50+% take up in the recycling service and that is with it being REALLY easy (throw everything on the list into a box and put it out with the normal rubbish). But how much of that is actual recycling I don't know as I've frequently seen boxes with non recyclable (or at least not within our council scheme) content.
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The take up must be good as they are increasing the range... they are now adding glass to the collections in Dartford.
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