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Real Nappy Week

Posted by greenguy, 4 days ago

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Reading event "Real Nappy Week" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
This event gets the full support from ecolocal, that's for sure. We've long been discussing the dilemma of diapers, so it's great to hear about Real Nappy Week:

"The 11th annual Real Nappy Week takes place from 11-18 March 2007.

Last year’s theme was fashion, showing how real nappies are no longer just an eco or a cost-saving option but are now a fashion statement too. In 2007 we hope to show how far real nappies have entered the mainstream.

Real Nappy Week is funded by WRAP, the Waste and Resources Action Programme. WEN is once again co-ordinating information about activities taking place during the week and running a media campaign."


Start date Start date: Sun Mar 11, 2007 00:00 AM
End date End date: Sun Mar 18, 2007 00:00 AM

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  1. Re: Real Nappy Week by greenguy, 4 days ago

    I found the link from this interesting BBC article:

    "The makers of disposable nappies should pay for the increasing cost of disposing of them in landfill sites, according to local councils.

    Nearly three billion nappies are thrown away in the UK each year, says the Local Government Association.

    Nappy disposal costs each local authority hundreds of thousands of pounds a year, the association says. "

    Wouldn't it be great to see nappy manufacturers bear the brunt of the true cost of these nappies and diapers?

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  2. Re: Real Nappy Week by ecosrights, 4 days ago

    It would certainly make the manufacturers think twice about some of the substances they use to make the nappies. I'm all for anything like that, but at the same time it seems to be that the councils are trying to hand over the responsibility and cost!

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