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"old" trades

Posted by RoxyMoron, 666 days ago

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Reading discussion ""old" trades" - Join this discussion / 2 comment(s)
I have a book of outdated trades that some people still like to do, like basketweaving, blacksmithing, churning butter,roof thatching, making fences out of wood yourself, etc. Do you still do some things considered antiquated or traditional but not many people use it anymore? Reply to this


  1. Re: by happy2bg33k, 664 days ago

    I actually make candles from beeswax, not necessarily for the practicality of it but because I like the feeling of accomplishment and it's a soothing activity. They smell wonderful, too!

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  2. Re: by EviesEarth, 661 days ago

    Wow, what a great question. It really got me thinking if I do anything along these lines. We do try to live simple and I do all my cooking from scratch. As far as an actual trade, I can't really say I have one. I do make some of my own skin care products and use homemade and very basic house cleaning products.

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