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School Lunches Safe or Not?

Posted by angelicwriter, 579 days ago

Tags: kids schools

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Reading discussion "School Lunches Safe or Not?" - Join this discussion / 11 comment(s)
What do you think about our kid's school lunches these days do you think they are safe and healthy or loaded with saturated fats and chemicals that can do more harm then stop hunger? Reply to this


  1. Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by RoxyMoron, 579 days ago

    They are probably chock full of not so good things, but no worse than fast food, I'm sure. Most school meat I remember was made with soy, and you got all of your food groups. Adults are not as good about this, knowing from personal experience, haha...

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  2. Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by EviesEarth, 579 days ago

    Sad to say, I really don't think schools could afford to give good quality lunches. Look at how many children they have to feed.
    I always send mine with a lunch. I like to know what he is eating and what the ingredients are.

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    1. Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by happy2bg33k, 578 days ago

      I think you're right-they can't afford to provide quality lunches. A lot of schools in the US are USDA funded and food provided so no matter how they prepare the food it's still the same ingredients. The best lunches my kids had (that weren't packed) was when they were in family-style daycare/preschool. The school was reimbursed by the govt for its expenses but bought and prepared their own food.

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      1. Re: Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by greenguy, 578 days ago

        And the most frustrating thing is that there's a great business to be built up there - putting local farmers and shops in touch with the schools nearby, so that the kids eat healthy, local food.

        Kids can even go out on trips to see 'behind the scenes' at the shops and farms, so they really get to understand where food comes from and how it reaches their plate.

        Schools lunches surely must have such an impact on the moods of pupils too - I wonder what teachers think about having the first class after lunch?

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  3. Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by ecosrights, 578 days ago

    What about in the UK - does anyone have any experience of the changes post Jamie Oliver and his campaigning a couple of years ago? Have things improved to the extent that the government would like us to believe?

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  4. Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by RoxyMoron, 578 days ago

    If only the schools can do more research on lunches, to offer what children need most at the time, for example, younger children getting more of the vitamins they need for development, and older children getting food that will help wake them up or "feed their brain", because I remember always being very tired in school during my teen years and not eating right, but being a straight A kid when I was younger and eating very nutritious things.

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    1. Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by EviesEarth, 578 days ago

      I have read some studies on schools offering organic and natural lunches and putting the same quality of snacks in the vending machines. These schools reported better overall performance from the students. Stonyfields Farms (they make yogurt products) talks about this. They are a great organization, helping to educate schools on healthier lunches.

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      1. Re: Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by Anonymous, 576 days ago

        Wow, I wish that I had that option in school, the best thing I got was the salad bar, and that kind of old. Hopefully they will do this in more schools and improve education rates. I think it really has a big effect.

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        1. Re: Re: Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by RoxyMoron, 576 days ago

          Oops, that post was from me, but I forgot to log in! Too bad I can't delete it and try again!

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  5. Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by greenguy, 574 days ago

    Well, here's an interesting site for people concerend about school food in the UK:


    "Green Gourmet are school meals specialists, providing food and nutrition expertise to the UK school meals industry."

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    1. Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by EviesEarth, 574 days ago

      Wow, we need this in the US! I was really impressed with the recipes. This is a great site, hopefully other organizations will become aware of sites like this and feel inspired!

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