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Find Your Local Box Scheme

Posted by duncan, 180 days ago

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Reading article "Find Your Local Box Scheme" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
A postcode based search engine for local box schemes, provided by Riverford Organic Farm.


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  1. Re: Find Your Local Box Scheme by chaclyn, 163 days ago

    thanks for that link!

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  2. Re: Find Your Local Box Scheme by Jebson, 135 days ago

    Here's a postcode based search that includes all box schemes, not just one and also customer recommendations for those varied schemes. www.vegboxschemes.co.uk


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  3. Re: Find Your Local Box Scheme by Anonymous, 9 days ago

    There is also a veg box map here

    It is getting more places added every day and I find the map makes it easier to see where the schemes are.

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