Introduce Yourself
Posted by duncan, 903 days ago

If you want to learn about organic food, nappies or just how to be green then why not join today?
Sections: Who's talking?

Re: The Green Providers Dir... by jane
Re: Re: Green Taxi Service by Anonymous
Re: Leeds Castle Christmas ... by ecosrights
Re: Re: Lapland UK 2008 - B... by Anonymous
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Lapland... by Anonymous
Re: Re: Re: Re: Lapland UK ... by Anonymous
Re: Re: Re: Re: Lapland UK ... by Anonymous
Re: Lapland UK 2008 - Bewl ... by God
Re: Re: Fenwicks Christmas ... by JoP
Re: Father Christmas at Pol... by ecosrights
Reading discussion "Introduce Yourself" - Join this discussion / 18 comment(s)
New members only!
Introduce yourself here, tell us about how you found ecolocal, any problems you've run into and how you want to 'green' up your life.
I'll go first - I'm Duncan and I built the site with my wife Jane simply because there wasn't anything like this online at the time.
Come on, don't be shy, say hello to everyone :D
New members only!
Introduce yourself here, tell us about how you found ecolocal, any problems you've run into and how you want to 'green' up your life.
I'll go first - I'm Duncan and I built the site with my wife Jane simply because there wasn't anything like this online at the time.
Come on, don't be shy, say hello to everyone :D


Remade Fashion Fair, Birmin... by reconstyle
The Incredible Veggie Show ... by ecosrights
Hedge Clearing @ Blythe Hil... by ecosrights
Muddy Huts and Mad Tales by ecosrights
The 2009 Charity Potato Fai... by ecosrights
UK AWARE 09 by ukaware
The Big Dig at Leeds Castle by ecosrights
Dover Castle Ghost Tours by ecosrights
Minibeasts and Chartwell Fe... by ecosrights
Days out with Thomas Spring 09 by ecosrights
Ecolocal is free to join - why not register today? Our members can start discussions and comment on all the threadsHelp us build the best source for healthy living and local news by submitting your tips, events and links so that we can all learn how to learn how to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle.
HI, my name is Sally.
It's great that you set up this site. I have already found out things out that may have taken lot longer to come across.
It is important that this kind of communication is taking place, and I believe that this 'portal' will be called upon to provide a wealth of knowledge and play an important part in the understanding of related issues that will be faced in the future.
I am glad to be a pert of it.
As for my expertise, I am just beginning to understand the power of the internet and its applications, in relation to having what Dan Gilmour describes in his book WE THE MEDIA: GRASSROOTS JOURNALISM 'as the global conversation that is taking place now. '
I will talk more of that later.
Lets keep on communicating in ways that benefit not just the 'converted' but 'the unconverted'.
Thank you.
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Hello Sally, welcome to ecolocal!
It's great that you mentioned 'We the media', I read parts of it ages ago and always meant to read it properly - consider me reminded. Talking of the power of the internet, we've certainly experienced that here. From time to time certain articles bring in a lot of new users to the site and it's interesting to see how comments on this site propgate around the web, sometimes over a relatively long period of time, too.
And as for "communicating in ways that benefit the unconverted", well that might just end up co-opted as the unoffical logo of this site too - it's my new favourite phrase :D
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Nice meeting you all! Shinningstar is my name. As I walked in an endless road of knowledge, as I gazed to the unreachable sky of intellect, there's only one thing that is suited in my unsatisfied mind to discover the undiscovered. And I'm very proud of my simple invention. Using scraps material, recycled it and make it a new product. It's one way of helping the environment. Lets have fun in this forum.
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dont i recognise you from living- i was the guy that didnt drink liquids
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Hi my name is Rosie and I'd like to tell you about - our exciting, new comprehensive and up-to-date online green wedding resource covering the whole of the United Kingdom and Ireland.
This green, eco friendly wedding website will help with everything a couple needs to know about planning stylish, sustainable, eco weddings and celebrations without compromising on quality or design. Our comprehensive resource of products and services from hats to honeymoons, and cakes to carriages, will help every eco chic bride and groom plan a healthy, happy and green wedding day.
Check out this only truly comprehensive ethical wedding directory with advice and tips for gorgeous green weddings.
We're searching for partners throughout the UK and Ireland, so do get in touch if you think your business has a synergy with GreenUnion.
Warm wishes to you all!
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My name is Evie. I am really enjoying the wealth of information on this site.
Living healthier and greener has been a long time passion of mine!
If interested, visit my website sometime..... (we will be updating it this weekend and adding more content)
Hope to get to know all of you better!
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I am Evie. I just posted above. I was having a great time looking around the site that I forgot to register!
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Welcome on board Evie. It's good to have new members.
I'll have a good read through the ideas for using vinegar (I use it a lot for removing limescale already - just need something to hide the smell!)
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Yes, the smell can be strong. Something you could do to help a little-add some essential oils to the vinegar. Of course it will not completely mask the odor, but it helps!
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living next to fields is like living in the killing fields.Defra say spraying is safe- well they dont live near fields.There needs to be a mass class action against pesticide industry and the distrunction of lives its responsible for.
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Hello - my name is Jo and I'm a mummy to 3 girls Daisy (8), Polly (6) and Rosie (2). In my former life (pre-girls) I worked in the fashion industry. Now I need more flexible work, so I've set up my own business Kite Kids. Having a family has developed my awareness and sensitivity to all things environmental - the thought of them inheriting a planet in real ecological crisis fills me with horror! So my business is 100% ecological - I sell organic cotton casual clothes for kids. It's funky, original and ideal for our local surfing and beachy fraternity downn here in Poole. Why not take a look at I think your site looks really interesting and I hope to learn lots by using it - a really useful tool, what a good idea!
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Hi, I'm Liz - wahm to 3 small children in sunny Cornwall. I found eco-local while looking for home renovation information - we have a 3 bedroom victorian house which will keep us busy for many years to come!
If you're interested, you can find my business site here TicklyToes
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Hi I am Hayley.
I opened my shop in Warwick in August 2007 and my website followed in March this year. I am very new to this, and this website is great.
I have completely trained myself on websites and the internet - so as can see I am very new and not very good!!!
Thanks Hayley
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Hi I am Hayley,
I have a 4 year old boy and my website has been going since march this year. Take a look, I sell creative products from recycled goods. My background is primarily waste management, however I now work with children who have special educational needs and of course my shop.
Thanks Hayley x
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Hi Hayley
Welcome to the site. I'm glad you like it.
I've just taken a look at your site - I particularly like some of the good old fashioned wooden games. At the moment our 4 year old is playing skittles with toilet roll tubes... may have to upgrade a bit I think!!! :)
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Hi, I'm Bev. I recently changed career path from Accounts/Budgets to Energy Management and am interested in anything that can help slow down the damage we are doing to this planet, especially as I have three wonderful grandchildren who I want to be able to play outside in green fields breathing clean air. Having looked at a couple of the sites already there is still a lot more I can do to live "greener" and pass the knowledge onto my children and grandchildren.
Thanks for such a great site and keep up the good work.
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Hi I'm Alison - I found this site while googling around. I really like the layout - it's very clean. I've signed up to the RSS feed too :)
I manufacture and retail funky organic babies and childrens clothing from my website
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Hi my name is Zoe and I'd like to tell you about - our online store specialising in supplying the widest range of eco-friendly wedding products in the UK.
We have taken on the challenge of sourcing 'green' eco-friendly products including 100% recycled glass champagne flutes, handmade paper photo albums, organic candles, seeded plantable favour boxes and much more!
Our site is for those organising a wedding or for guests attending one so if you're planning a green wedding or know someone who's tying the knot then please let them know about this site.
Many thanks!
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