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Simplifying Your Life

Posted by happy2bg33k, 673 days ago

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Reading discussion "Simplifying Your Life" - Join this discussion / 8 comment(s)
Lately our household is finding itself overwhelmed by the pace and materialism of today's frenetic society. My spouse and I continually discuss the need to simplify our lives and keep coming back to the concept that in order to do so we need to be able to find a way to make ourselves more self-sustainable. We are researching a variety of ways to make this happen within the paradigms and structure of a society in which we must live in order to make living. We've started a list of goals toward to which to strive and have begun slowly. Our first step has been to investigate ways to become a one-car family, not an easy thing to do in the mostly rural area in which we live. However the benefits of reducing fuel consumption and pollution are worth it. How is your family simplfying? Reply to this


  1. Re: Simplifying Your Life by Anonymous, 673 days ago

    We have been simplifying for some time now. It is a slow process. My husband is currently looking for a work at home job. Then we can become a single car family. I currently make all my own cleaning products. I use cloth diapers for my little one and homemade wipes. I cook all from scratch. At our parents ranch, we have a large garden. The entire family pitches in their time and effort and we all get the benefits of delicious vegetables!

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    1. Re: Re: Simplifying Your Life by happy2bg33k, 672 days ago

      Your family is off to a great start, Evie. We, too, cook all from scratch. I'd be interested in hearing about your cleaning products that you make. Can you share recipes? Thanks.

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      1. Re: Re: Re: Simplifying Your Life by EviesEarth, 672 days ago

        Here is a tip for mirror and window cleaning-use club soda. Put some in a spray bottle and use a microfiber cloth to wipe dry. Works great and is very cost effective!!! Not to mention, it is non toxic!
        Visit my site www.EviesEarth.com , I have a page with some tips/ideas. Will be updating this weekend! Check back often!

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        1. Re: Re: Re: Re: Simplifying Your Life by happy2bg33k, 671 days ago

          No kidding? What an interesting idea, I never would have though of it. Does the sweetener in the club soda leave any residue on your windows?

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  2. Re: Simplifying Your Life by EviesEarth, 671 days ago

    Just plain club soda should not have any sweetener in it. Be sure to also use a microfiber cloth. They work wonders. They are also great for dusting, just get it slightly damp and wipe the furniture.
    Evie :)

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  3. Re: Simplifying Your Life by jane, 671 days ago

    Another key area is to think about how much you throw out - rather than throwing clothes out because they have holes in them, mend them; kids toys can often be repaired (especially if you stick to wooden ones and some of the classics as opposed to lots of electronic toys) and of course, batteries - make sure you use rechargable ones.

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    1. Re: Re: Simplifying Your Life by happy2bg33k, 670 days ago

      We actually started doing this very seriously about a year ago, significantly changing our recycling habits and we mend just about everything anyway. We been stunned by the change in how much trash we have at the end of the week. Sometimes it almost nothing which is wonderful!

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  4. Re: Simplifying Your Life by RoxyMoron, 670 days ago

    I've been taking old displays from work (like cardboard ones) and taking them home and using them as shelves or bookcases! I have a neat one for popcorn, holding records and snacks :)
    I also reused heart shaped chocolate boxes (the paper sort) as decorative wall hangings, flanking my framed 30s actors/actresses photos.

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