Windowsill gardens
Posted by happy2bg33k, 673 days ago
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Reading discussion "Windowsill gardens" - Join this discussion / 6 comment(s)
In an effort to bring my family back to a more inexpensive means of organic produce I would be interested in starting a windowsill/stoop garden as I don't have the space to have a full garden. Has anybody tried this? Can you share details as to how you went about doing so? Reply to this
In an effort to bring my family back to a more inexpensive means of organic produce I would be interested in starting a windowsill/stoop garden as I don't have the space to have a full garden. Has anybody tried this? Can you share details as to how you went about doing so? Reply to this


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A great selection for a window sill is herbs - not only do they only take a small amount of space (don't go for mint though unless it's in it's own tub) but you get the wonderful aromas from them. Chives, basil, thyme, sage, parsley and coriander are all a good bet and can all be grown from seed with very little effort.
Other small tiems that are good to grow are things like spring onions, radishes and some smaller lettuces as they all grow fairly quickly so you can get a good crop over a number of weeks without having much space.
It's important you water them enough as the troughs that you're likely to use tend not to hold much water as they are fairly shallow.
Good luck with it.
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I used to have some trays hanging on my porchsill from a previous owner, but for some reason nothing would grow in them and I figured birds and animals were eating the seeds, or the dirt was devoid of nutrients.
Now I have a yard, and since I haven't got time, I take seeds from fruits or rotting veggies from my store (we sell organic produce) and throw them into my yard and hope something will grow, and if the animals ate anything, at least it'd be something healthy!
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That's certainly an easy way of going about things!
If you are finding that seeds are eaten then either cover the area with a fine mesh, or once things start growing if you think slugs are the problem, smear lots of Vaseline around the rim of the pot (a good 5 cm or so) and it seems to stop them climbing up. Just remember to redo it if there is a lot of rain.
You'll also find that the earth in pots needs to be replaced every year or fertilizer of some sort added to replace the nutrients that previous plants have taken.
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That makes sense...I wasn't sure how often that dirt had been used.
If our grass doesn't start growing, I will definitely take the advice! Thanks!
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Here's an appropriate link that Greenguy has posted.
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Tomatoes and peppers grow wonderfully in a pot also!
Be sure to save as many seeds as you can to replant the following season.
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