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Eco-Collective Ecovillage Open Meeting

Posted by suttree, 1896 days ago

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Reading event "Eco-Collective Ecovillage Open Meeting" - Reply to this / 6 comment(s)
Location: Hanover Community Centre, 3 Southover Street, Brighton, United Kingdom

"Eco-Collective Ecovillage Open Meeting. Have you dreamed of living in an Ecovillage? Eco Collective is a group of people deeply concened with Peak Oil and Clmate Change. Eco Collective intends to integrate all aspects of Ecovillage Living, including cultural, spiritual and social dimensions."

Start date Start date: Sun Jun 04, 2006
End date End date: Sun Jun 04, 2006

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  1. Re: Eco-Collective Ecovillage Open Meeting by Katie, 1816 days ago

    Will there be any more of these? Sounds interesting...


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    1. Re: Re: Eco-Collective Ecovillage Open Meeting by duncan, 1815 days ago

      They do sound interesting, but that's the only one I've seen so far.

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    2. Re: Re: Eco-Collective Ecovillage Open Meeting by duncan, 1815 days ago

      Welcome to ecolocal, by the way :D

      I love the idea of ethicalweddings.com, do you offer any ethical wedding lists too? I know a lot of people get married and feel that the wedding list is a weird tradition - since couples are getting married when they're already living together, there's not a lot of gifts they really need (furnishings, beddings, that sort of thing). Ethical presents seem to make the ideal replacement.

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      1. Re: Re: Re: Eco-Collective Ecovillage Open Meeting by Katie, 1813 days ago

        Hi Duncan,

        Thanks for the welcome:)

        We will be offering a range of ethical wedding lists and already have several signed up to the directory (which goes live later this year). These range from charity gift lists (buying goats, chickens, schools etc.!) to fair trade gift lists, such as Ganesha's (www.ganesha.co.uk) where you can get pretty things for the house - or for you! There are also eco-friendly gift lists, such as the one offered by the Centre for Alternative Technology - so you could select all the devices and gadgets you need to make your house as green as possible! Any of those options take your fancy?
        Katie ;)

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        1. Re: Re: Re: Re: Eco-Collective Ecovillage Open Meeting by duncan, 1812 days ago

          Ganesha is a neat little website, I love these kauna phok:


          There's certainly a number of gifts of there that would be ideal for weddings.

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  2. Re: Eco-Collective Ecovillage Open Meeting by Anonymous, 1604 days ago

    Hi Please could you tell me how to get involved with the eco-village, i have some relevant experience and am passionate about the global eco-village movement. thanks Rachel rmccannxx@yahoo.com

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