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Healthy ways to sleep?

Posted by RoxyMoron, 572 days ago

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Reading discussion "Healthy ways to sleep?" - Join this discussion / 8 comment(s)
I'm having a difficult time sleeping lately...I've taken Sleepytime tea with Valerian root and even drank warm milk with butter, my old trick. Nothing seems to work!
Any suggestions without taking sleeping pills? I hate feeling so tired from them. Reply to this


  1. Re: Healthy ways to sleep? by happy2bg33k, 572 days ago

    Have you tried melatonin? It may help you get to sleep and can be found in the vitamin sections of most stores.

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    1. Re: Re: Healthy ways to sleep? by RoxyMoron, 571 days ago

      I have seen melatonin in the store I work at, I never asked any of my coworkers about it but I may just have to try it, it's very affordable!

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    2. Re: Re: Healthy ways to sleep? by RoxyMoron, 563 days ago

      I got myself a bottle of this and it seems to help a bit. I don't think it's so much stress as it might be needing to adjust my body clock or perhaps the pollen. I'm not allergic to it but it's insane where I am so it's still quite bothersome.

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  2. Re: Healthy ways to sleep? by EviesEarth, 572 days ago

    How about yoga or meditation? Guided meditations or hypnotherapy can be very useful.
    I agree, I don't like to take sleeping pills!
    The old standbys too-chamomile tea, a warm bath, reading a book.

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    1. Re: Re: Healthy ways to sleep? by RoxyMoron, 563 days ago

      I do like chamomile, and my mother suggested it. I could see how it would help, it always seems to soothe me. I guess I need to stock up!

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  3. Re: Healthy ways to sleep? by Anonymous, 572 days ago

    When I really need to knock myself out, I resort to a "carbohydrate-induced coma". That is, I eat a huge bowl of rice and lie down. Guaranteed within 20 minutes you'll be zonked.

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    1. Re: Re: Healthy ways to sleep? by Anonymous, 572 days ago

      ^ Btw, it's the same mechanism as a "sugar crash" except since carbohydrates are more complex molecules than sugar, you don't have to deal with the hyper stage at first. It's straight to beddy bye.

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  4. Re: Healthy ways to sleep? by jane, 571 days ago

    I can't track down the site, but while ago we came across a site that had recommendations including honey and banana. We tried it for our son and for a couple of weeks he was great at bedtime (no getting up to read books) but the effect soon wore off and he was back to his old ways.

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