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Latest Cleaning posts in UK
- Cleaning with baking soda by duncan, 944 days ago Does exactly what it says on the tin, and then some :) "There are many non-poisonous products that can be used for basic household cleaning. Nex...
- Using lemons as a weedkiller by suttree, 913 days ago Exactly as the title says, one of those handy houshold tips.
- Cleaning with vinegar by suttree, 894 days ago It's just a sidebar to an article on the many different types of vinegar, but it's worth a read all the same. Learn how to clean drains, lime, kett...
- Allergies - what causes them? by jane, 890 days ago
- Green cleaning by ecosrights, 808 days ago
- Homescents by ecosrights, 569 days ago
- Ditch those nasty cleaning chemicals by mandj, 26 days ago
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