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Allergies - what causes them?

Posted by jane, 928 days ago

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Reading article "Allergies - what causes them?" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
This article was interesting to read as it confirms my suspicions.

I'm convinced that one of the reasons for increases in allergies is that we over protect ourselves and our children. Yes, it's partially to do with the amount of car pollution around (but remember 50+ years ago there was a much higher level of pollution from coal in our towns and cities) but I'm sure that a lot of it is that we don't build up an immune system to allergens.

How many people reach for antihistamines as soon as they get any signs of a problem? How many people are compulsive about cleaning their house? I bet a lot of you would say yes to both of these and then "no" to the following: Do you let your kids sit in the garden, eating food that's fallen on the grass, eating mud?

It's critical that children (and adults) build up an immune system - we don't need to keep everything spotless... we don't need to discinfect everything, just be reasonable about everything. A bit of dirt never did any real harm (OK, so muddy handprints in the house, but who cares - they're kids!)

May be it is my way of consoling my self for not being the most house proud of wives, but ... consider it anyway


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