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Cleaning with Vinegar

Posted by suttree, 1113 days ago

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Reading article "Cleaning with Vinegar" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
It's just a sidebar to an article on the many different types of vinegar, but it's worth a read all the same. Learn how to clean drains, lime, kettles or even fleas!


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  1. vinegar by Green Diva, 1112 days ago

    is a wonderful substance. I use it for cleaning mostly and I add it to the wash to get rid of all the laundry soap in the rinse cycle. Here's another interesting use for vinegar:


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    1. Re: vinegar by suttree, 1112 days ago

      Fruit vinegar drinks - that's an interesting idea. Not sure if I'd be brave enough to try it out though.

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  2. Re: Cleaning with Vinegar by Green Diva, 1099 days ago

    Some people swear by vinegar as a weight loss tool. I think a couple of tablespoons before a meal does the trick. Did I read that in the article?

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