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Ditch those Nasty Cleaning Chemicals

Posted by mandj, 33 days ago

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Reading article "Ditch those Nasty Cleaning Chemicals" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
Michelle and Jacqui are ditching the nasty cleaning fluids found in quantity under our kitchen sinks. We are replacing them all (including bleach for the toilet) with a range of cleaning products that are environmentally friendly and will save us(and make us) money as well. Not only will we save the plastic bottles(!) and chemicals fom being dumped and thrown down the drain, but also help the ever increasing asthma sufferers often affected by cleaning chemicals. And they are easy to use and very effective!
If you have a dirty kicthen and a grimey bathroom and want to make a switch in your cleaning habits please contact either Jacqui or Michelle to discuss. Please contact us on 0191 213 6666 Reply to this


  1. Re: Ditch those Nasty Cleaning Chemicals by ecosrights, 32 days ago

    That sounds like a great initiative there.. .what sort of alternatives are you going for? Let us know - we're always pleased to hear about new green alternatives.

    We've been using Ecover products for years, but I also use bicarb for cleaning the oven and vinegar on limescale (as long as I can air the room afterwards!)

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  2. Re: Ditch those Nasty Cleaning Chemicals by mandj, 30 days ago

    Hi there

    Thanks for the comment!

    We are starting to use a new range of microfibre products that are relatively new to the UK market. Difference is that there is a complete range rather just one or two types of cloths. Also their microfibre technology is superior at cleaning than the others on the market.
    Jacqui and I could become the new Aggi and Kim of the environmentally friendly cleaning brigade.
    Lots of school and home cleaning demonstrations to follow!
    If you want more info I can send you the product details after our training demos next week.



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  3. Re: Ditch those Nasty Cleaning Chemicals by ecosrights, 29 days ago

    Now that sounds like a good idea - cloths and no chemicals.

    One thing I've often wondered though, is what is microfibre made out of? I've come across it all sorts of items over the years (used to have some wonderful microfibre shoes at one point) and it seems like this wonder material, but what is it's effect on the environment? Does it decompose over time? Basically, what are it's green credentials as a material?

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    1. Re: Re: Ditch those Nasty Cleaning Chemicals by mandj, 27 days ago


      The cloths are made of polyester and polyamide and there is so much to say about the companies enviromental credentials and recognised certification regarding it that you would really need to view the site or the literature we have.

      The cloths when they reach the end of their lives (can be up to 4 years but the company line is 2-3) they can be returned to the company and recycled into stuffing for other products in different service areas.

      We have just finished part 1 of our product training that involved demos and we were very much wowed by the products.
      A swab test for bacteria can be carried out after cleaning with the products and no bacteria will be found. No chemicals and a small amount of water are used. Enviro friendly, time/labour saving and save money as well!
      Demos can be arranged through the consultants so if you are interested in seeing to believe, let us know.

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