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Soothing Music

Posted by angelicwriter, 568 days ago

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Reading discussion "Soothing Music" - Join this discussion / 7 comment(s)
What is your favorite artist or genre of soothing music? What do you love to listen to when you want to bring peace into your life? Reply to this


  1. Re: Soothing Music by RoxyMoron, 567 days ago

    Classical music never fails, I sometimes use it when I have a hard time sleeping, which is funny because I normally cannot sleep to music. My favorite is the Moonlight Sonata!
    To perk me up, I'm always listening to some folksy or retro 60s rock, and some 70s here and there. I'm much older than my 23 years!

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  2. Re: Soothing Music by greenguy, 567 days ago

    I'll admit it, I used to listen to those tapes of Whale song and Dolphin song.

    Sometimes it's nice just to open the window and listen to the distant traffic, though.

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  3. Re: Soothing Music by EviesEarth, 566 days ago

    I have to agree with classical music! I do like many different kinds of music. Sometimes something loud and rockin' can be relaxing-depends on the relaxing I am in need of. :)

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  4. Re: Soothing Music by ecosrights, 566 days ago

    Try some of the mellower traditional (Irish / Scottish) music as well. Something like Iona or Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham - some of it may be really toe tapping stuff, but the simplicity and purity of it make it really soothing.

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    1. Re: Re: Soothing Music by happy2bg33k, 566 days ago

      I love to listen to Enya and let my mind drift. When I was a teenager there were a couple of tapes (I'm dating myself here) by a guy named Ray Lynch that I would listen to all the time. An album called No Blue Thing was my favorite.

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  5. Re: Soothing Music by Anonymous, 566 days ago

    Two words:

    I'm not even a big fan of early jazz, but there's something about the timbre of her voice that is instantly relaxing. Especially, I love the albums she did with Joe Pass on classical guitar (just 1 voice, 1 guitar). Amazing, nostalgic and soothing stuff.

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  6. Re: Soothing Music by EviesEarth, 566 days ago

    Oh yes! Ray Lynch is awesome. Talk about feeling out of this world. Very good meditative type music, inspiring and calming at the same time.

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