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Apple Cider Vinegar

Posted by angelicwriter, 206 days ago

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Reading discussion "Apple Cider Vinegar" - Join this discussion / 2 comment(s)
I heard Organic Apple Cider Vinegar has many different uses. Does anyone use it? And what do you use if for? Reply to this


  1. Re: Apple Cider Vinegar by EviesEarth, 206 days ago

    I make some really good salad dressings with it.
    I have also used it for sore throats. I had my husband take a spoonful of it with some honey and lemon. Helped his sore throat.
    I have also made a skin toner with it too. Of course the smell is a bit strong, so I added a bit of essential oils.

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  2. Re: Apple Cider Vinegar by RoxyMoron, 205 days ago

    We sell a lot of this in our store! I believe it is helpful for losing weight, but I'm not sure of which diet calls for it. It's true that it's used mostly as a salad dressing, but I think some people make some sort of drink mixture. I've been curious myself, it must work really well! I wonder if it's supposed to be good for detoxing, I might have heard that one...

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