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International Walk to School month

Posted by jane, 190 days ago

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Reading event "International Walk to School month" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
I think this is a brilliant idea. Pass any school at they start or end of the day and it's appalling how many kids are driven to and from school (often in great big fuel guzzlers for just 1 child).

The site, and the month, are all about promoting the benefits of walking to school - for the health of the child and the environment, it's cheaper and a much more socialable way to get around.


Start date Start date: Sun Oct 01, 2006 00:00 AM
End date End date: Tue Oct 31, 2006 00:00 AM

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  1. Re: International Walk to School month by chaclyn, 172 days ago

    I feel so ahead of the times... I live on campus, so I walk to school every day!

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