Beach Pollution
Posted by duncan, 43 days ago

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Reading article "Beach Pollution" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
Seems like a ship/tanker has run aground and will be beached somewhere along the Devon coast. Given that the ship is no doubt seriously damaged, they'll be some pollution problems:
"The MSC Napoli, which was holed in the English Channel on Thursday, is carrying more than 2,330 containers.
A "small proportion" includes industrial and agricultural chemicals, according to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).
The ship was beached following "serious structural failure", the MCA said."
Anyone in the area care to comment?
Seems like a ship/tanker has run aground and will be beached somewhere along the Devon coast. Given that the ship is no doubt seriously damaged, they'll be some pollution problems:
"The MSC Napoli, which was holed in the English Channel on Thursday, is carrying more than 2,330 containers.
A "small proportion" includes industrial and agricultural chemicals, according to the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).
The ship was beached following "serious structural failure", the MCA said."
Anyone in the area care to comment?


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There's more news on the BBC site now about the items that were on the ship (from nappies to motorbikes and face cream! Quite a combination).
It seems that a lot of the containers have been opened and the goods taken. I suppose this could be looked upon as not being too negative - at least the goods are being used and not left to "pollute" the coast line and sea further, but at the same time it's something that many will frown upon. We can only hope that they get the fuel cleared from the wreck quickly before further damage is caused.
"The Napoli, which is grounded about a mile out to sea, had also shed containers holding a 4x4 vehicle, ladies' shoes, Bibles in a foreign language and nappies.
About 200 of the vessel's 2,323 containers have gone overboard, 158 of which are classed as having potentially hazardous contents."
The site is part of Britain's first natural World Heritage Site
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an update on the environmental impact of the looters:
"MCA spokesman Mark Clark said that had warnings not to touch the containers been followed, they would have been removed and the beach returned to normality quite soon.
"They have quadrupled our task," he said.
"People are lighting fires beside the containers, getting on top of them ripping stuff out, and not heeding our warnings."
"The MCA is deeply upset and angry because all the stuff which has been ripped out of the containers will be swept out to sea and have an environmental impact," he said.
I have to agree with a line in the article that says greed has driven people to loot the cargo. I hadn't been aware, but people are not only taking the goods, but breaking containers that are still intact and then taking the goods. This is completely wrong and yes, creating much more of an environmental hazard.
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Yup, the pollution got out and is harming the wildlife. What a shame, what a waste :(
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I Think Beach Pollution Should Be More Tooken Care Of In U.s Considering The Amount Of Damage It does to People. I Believe Beaches should be more closly examined.
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