The Big Brother of Rubbish
Posted by duncan, 615 days ago

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Reading article "The Big Brother of Rubbish" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
The BBC is reporting that "more than 30 councils are fitting microchips to wheelie bins ahead of possible "pay as you throw" schemes". Moreover, an "estimated 25,000 chips had been removed by disgruntled residents in Bournemouth".
Whilst it's normal to see an antagonistic repsonse to something perceived as surveillance, this really does look like the future. Those who recylce will pay less than those who throw all their rubbish out directly. The good news is that with a slogan like 'Pay as you Throw', all we need is a decent PR agency to put the right spin on it all.
The BBC is reporting that "more than 30 councils are fitting microchips to wheelie bins ahead of possible "pay as you throw" schemes". Moreover, an "estimated 25,000 chips had been removed by disgruntled residents in Bournemouth".
Whilst it's normal to see an antagonistic repsonse to something perceived as surveillance, this really does look like the future. Those who recylce will pay less than those who throw all their rubbish out directly. The good news is that with a slogan like 'Pay as you Throw', all we need is a decent PR agency to put the right spin on it all.


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I can't understand why people would remove the chips. It's not like the chips could spy on you in your house, and the chips aren't even in use yet, they're just in place in anticipation of the "pay as you throw" schemes.
Unfortunately, with the Daily Mail et al convincing people that the council are spying on people via their bins, I can't see "pay as you throw" being a popular idea.
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I don't think that anyone was made aware of what the chips did. Having the council fit a tracking device to a part of your home understandably makes some people nervous.
The encouraging thing is that this is a start - from here things can only get better and more organised. Well, I hope they can..
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the more people are encouraged to recycle the better. I wonder if a lot of the people complaining about the chips are those that don't recycle because they "can't be bothered" or "don't see the point".....
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I don't get why people responsed badly about fitting the microchips. Do you think they were innocent about microchips? I think the residents wanted to change this slogan 'Pay as you Throw'into more eco-friendly.
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