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Share ideas on staying cool in the summer.....

Posted by EviesEarth, 444 days ago

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Reading discussion "Share ideas on staying cool in the summer....." - Join this discussion / 9 comment(s)
Summer will be here before we know it! What are some ways to stay cool and be environmentally friendly at the same time?
One little thing we do, is open windows all night to let the cool air in and close them (or partially close) them in the warmer hours. This seems to keep the house cooler longer. A big help is the trees in our front yard. They are about 10 years old and provide beautiful shade in the summer! Reply to this


  1. Re: Share ideas on staying cool in the summer..... by RoxyMoron, 444 days ago

    That's what I do as well.
    I also hear about the trick that you can use if you're in a home with multiple floors...heat rises, so in the summertime you would probably want to shut off the vents in the upper floors to keep it out and keep the lower floors at a balanced temperature.

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  2. Re: Share ideas on staying cool in the summer..... by happy2bg33k, 443 days ago

    We also keep our windows open at night to let the cool air in. We also have a ceiling fan downstairs to help circulate the cool air.

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  3. Re: Share ideas on staying cool in the summer..... by EviesEarth, 443 days ago

    Yes, we use our ceiling fans as when needed and the AC as a last resort. We are fortunate to live in an area where it cools off at night.

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  4. Re: Share ideas on staying cool in the summer..... by jane, 439 days ago

    A good idea is to close blinds and curtains when the sun is falling on a room to reduce the solar gain in the space. It means you don't get to appreciate the sunlight, but it's certainly practical in bedrooms.

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  5. Re: Share ideas on staying cool in the summer..... by RoxyMoron, 437 days ago

    With the unusual weather lately, I have a feeling that this summer is going to be incredibly hot. I hope these things work so we don't have to run up our A/C bill!

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    1. Re: Re: Share ideas on staying cool in the summer..... by happy2bg33k, 429 days ago

      That's interesting that you say that. I've actually been wondering if it will be a cooler than usual summer but my husband is convinced we are seeing a global warming change over the past ten years. Winters are certainly warmer and less snowy here in the Northeast...

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      1. Re: Re: Re: Share ideas on staying cool in the summer..... by RoxyMoron, 429 days ago

        Yeah...I have a coworker who has all sorts of conspiracies, even on weather changes, so some of it kind of sticks and makes sense haha...in a way I hope he's wrong! Some of it sounded scary!

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  6. Re: Share ideas on staying cool in the summer..... by EviesEarth, 436 days ago

    Yes, my thought exactly. I am not a summer person to begin with and thinking that it may be a really hot one is not a comforting thought.
    When we do "have" to run the a/c we do it only for a few hours.

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  7. Re: Share ideas on staying cool in the summer..... by ecosrights, 418 days ago

    For those who insist upon using a fan (more common in the UK than air con in homes) then put some cold water or ice in front of it so that the air it is blowing around is cold. You'll benefit from it a lot more and may need fewer or be able to turn them down a bit.

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