Interesting products
Posted by JoP, 99 days ago

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Reading article "Interesting products" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
Recently found a bathroom cleaning cloth in my local supermarket - have tried it out and it actually works!!
Recently found a bathroom cleaning cloth in my local supermarket - have tried it out and it actually works!!

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They're good cloths... much less waste as a consequence and of course fewer chemicals.
Two of my favourite eco things at the moment are:
Onya bags, which are great bags that fold into a pouch and are made out of old parachutes
and ecoballs that mean you can do away with detergent in the washing machine, just using a stain remover occasionally (they provide one with the pack of balls or you can use the Ecover one)
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I've recently used the eco balls for doing laundry when I was staying at my daughter's home, found them very effective,in fact I was pretty impressed with the results - how much are they? May request for a set for my birthday later this year!
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