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Saltwell Park Fireworks 2008

Posted by ecosrights, 404 days ago

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Reading event "Saltwell Park Fireworks 2008" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Quite tricky to track down details about this, but it seems there are a few in the Gateshead area... this information has come from:


it may be worth checking nearer the time to see if they have moved it to a weekend.

": 05 November 2008
To: 05 November 2008
Location: Various, Saltwell Park Oliver Henderson Park, Felling Other Venue to be confirmed

Bonfire and Fireworks Display

A truly wonderful spectator event for all the family.

The bonfire will be lit at 7.00pm and will be followed by a spectacular 20 minute high level firework display that all the family can enjoy on a safely marshalled site in Gateshead at 7.30pm.

Please note that parking is extremely limited at all sites.

We advise that you use public transport to get to the event.

Contact Events Team Tel: 0191 433 6900

05/11/2008 Bonfire 7.00pm, Fireworks 7.30pm"

Start date Start date: Wed Nov 05, 2008
End date End date: Wed Nov 05, 2008

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  1. Re: Saltwell Park Fireworks 2009 by ecosrights, 13 days ago

    I've been doing some hunting online and it looks as if this year's (2009) is on Thurs 5th Nov @ 6:45

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