Dartford Summer Festival 2009
Posted by ecosrights, 146 days ago
Link: http://dartford.gov.uk/festival/

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Reading event "Dartford Summer Festival 2009" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
The dates have been announced for the festival, but as yet the line-up is not available. I'll keep an eye out and update the site accordingly.
The dates have been announced for the festival, but as yet the line-up is not available. I'll keep an eye out and update the site accordingly.
Start date: Sat Jul 18, 2009
End date: Sun Jul 19, 2009

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"From Lemar to the hot new Father and Son dance duo, Stavros Flatley, there is something for all ages and tastes. We shall also be sharing our plans for Central Park and you're invited to come by the Central Park Vision tent to view a special dvd presentation which will be shown on a loop throughout the Festival weekend."
I certainly think it will be interesting to go along to see the proposed developments to the park - there have been a lot of improvements this year alone (the tunnel under Princes Road, the exercise equipment, the extension to the skate boarding area and the new "water play" area) so it will be interesting to see the other plans.
Of course, the fair itself is always worth going to! My son loves the rides and general atmosphere.
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