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Soy Candles

Posted by Mymy, 826 days ago

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Reading article "Soy Candles" - Reply to this / 8 comment(s)
Soy candles bring a cleaner , healthier and environmentally sound alternative to parraffin candles. I bought some and they smell great and last longer. also claim to be cleaner than regular parrafin.



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  1. Re: Soy Candles by happy2bg33k, 824 days ago

    Wow, more and more things are being formulated from soy. I guess it's worthwhile to be a soybean farmer in these times! (Not that I am one...)

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  2. Re: Soy Candles by EviesEarth, 824 days ago

    These are the only types of candles that I use. I also make sure that they are scented only with essential oils, not fragrance.

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    1. Re: Re: Soy Candles by happy2bg33k, 822 days ago

      Do you find there seems to be less air pollution, for lack of a better way of putting it, then burning wax candles? The scents of wax candles really bother me so I don't use them but if these work better I would love to try them.

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  3. Re: Soy Candles by RoxyMoron, 824 days ago

    Wow, I think I have heard of these before but can't remember where...where would I find them? I didn't know that paraffin was bad for the environment either!

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  4. Re: Soy Candles by EviesEarth, 824 days ago

    Lots of places sell soy candles. This is one place that I usually get mine from. I think that they are becoming more widely available now too.


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  5. Re: Soy Candles by Anonymous, 809 days ago

    so pleased to hear you have discovered soy candles.
    Paraffin candles release so many toxins and when coupled with synthetic fragrances they really are pretty worrying. This is why we started to produce soy candles and soy t lites at www.homescents.co.uk.
    Also soy is a renewable source and water soluble so if buying in jars the containers can be washed and used for storage. Have a good weekend

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    1. Re: Re: Soy Candles by Anonymous, 166 days ago

      I love Soy candles, we got some from a small UK shop online www.pure-light.co.uk . They last quite a long time, and the smell fills our living room.
      I'd recommend anyone to try Soy candles.

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    2. Re: Re: Soy Candles by Anonymous, 77 days ago

      Hi, I use scented candles and tried www.pure-light.co.uk for some tea lights as they had an offer. They smelled really good and seemed to last a long time so thanks for the post.

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