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Posted by akinis, 620 days ago

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Reading article "Gardening?" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
I have been wanting to garden for a long time now because my favorite food is homemade salsa and i want to be able can my own. I had tried to grow things like tomatoes and it just didnt work. What time of year should things start to be planted? what types of things are good to have that are some what easy to keep up?

Any gardening types are super helpful. Reply to this


  1. Re: Gardening? by jane, 620 days ago

    Hi there Akinis The first thing to consider is the amount of space that you have - are you restricted to growing things in pots (although this is often best for tomatoes and chillis anyway) or do you have a large space to work with. If you're in the UK, the best supplier I've found for organic seeds etc is The Organic Gardening Catalogue - lots of options and at sensible prices, complete with planting tips. I've been growing more and more over the years and found that carrots, spinach, onions, lettuce, potatoes and raddishes are probably some of the easiest veg to get going with. Onions sets are planted in March / April, and potatoes generally after the last frosts have past. Carrots, radishes, spinach and lettuce from May to July. Have you tried growing tomatoes from seed or from small plants?

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  2. Re: Gardening? by telegraph.hill, 620 days ago

    I grew tomatoes and found it relatively easy. Someone gave me cuttings and I planted them out in a grow bag. I got loads of lovely tomatoes, and they were great in salads. You can pick them green, and let them ripen indoors. You have to know how to prune them though - someone showed me how to do this.

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  3. Re: Gardening? by shinningstar, 617 days ago

    I have lots of tomato plants in the backyard. Tomato plants are essentially tropical plants, needing warm days and cool nights. They prefer daytime temperatures. Infact, you can plant tomato of your own choice. You can plant it indoor or outdoor. And one of the best and affordable fertilizer I used is animal waste. It's very effective. You will surely harvest good tomatoes for your salsa. Check out this site http://gardening.about.com

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