Plastic Bags
Posted by RoxyMoron, 7 days ago
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Reading article "Plastic Bags" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
A tip for avoiding pesky plastic bags:
Customers in my store sometimes dislike getting plastic bags because they don't degrade for hundreds of years and are harmful to the environment.
They will either reuse bags and stuff as much as possible in one, or bring in their own paper or canvas tote bags.
I think canvas totes are great because they're very strong and you can actually hold more in them than a flimsy wasteful plastic one! Reply to this
A tip for avoiding pesky plastic bags:
Customers in my store sometimes dislike getting plastic bags because they don't degrade for hundreds of years and are harmful to the environment.
They will either reuse bags and stuff as much as possible in one, or bring in their own paper or canvas tote bags.
I think canvas totes are great because they're very strong and you can actually hold more in them than a flimsy wasteful plastic one! Reply to this


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I'm glad you're supportive of people bringing their own bags - too often I get a funny look for saying "no thanks, it'll go in here" as I gesture to my rucksack.
If you do take plastic bags, make sure it's as few as possible and reuse them (the squash up small so there's no excuse for not carrying one) - our nursery happily accept them for "wet" clothes to be sent home in when kids have had accidents.
Thankfully many stores in the UK are working to reduce the impact of their bags by making them out of higher proportions of recycled materials or, even better, making them so that they biodegrade. It's also worth checking out your council recycling scheme - more and more accept them now.
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I wish that we did offer an alternative paper bag, but I'm not sure why we don't. I think it's because it's a little bit too expensive for our small store, we only have one location! Hopefully in the future we will, as it is the best option and more customers will appreciate it!
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Years ago I worked for a music shop that were ahead of their time on this front. They were a little family business and they still used more paperbags than plastic - they had them in 2 sizes - vinyl single (also for CDs and small purchases elsewhere in the shop) and for sheet music. They then had plastic carriers for albums, but they used more paper than anything else, and the larger ones were brown, so didn't even used bleached paper! I'm not sure what they use now, I can only hope they've not gone plastic because of supposed cost savings.
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I think if enough customers suggest it, we will start to answer to the demand. I'm not sure how we'll cover the costs on this one since I'm not in that department but hopefully it'll happen in the near future. Paper bags are very helpful and reusable!
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