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Soothing Music

Posted by angelicwriter, 526 days ago

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What is your favorite artist or genre of soothing music? What do you love to listen to when you want to bring peace into your life? Reply to this discussion / Report this discussion
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Re: Soothing Music by ecosrights, 611 days ago

Try some of the mellower traditional (Irish / Scottish) music as well. Something like Iona or Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham - some of it may be really toe tapping stuff, but the simplicity and purity of it make it really soothing.

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  1. Re: Re: Soothing Music by happy2bg33k, 611 days ago

    I love to listen to Enya and let my mind drift. When I was a teenager there were a couple of tapes (I'm dating myself here) by a guy named Ray Lynch that I would listen to all the time. An album called No Blue Thing was my favorite.

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