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School Lunches Safe or Not?

Posted by angelicwriter, 659 days ago

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What do you think about our kid's school lunches these days do you think they are safe and healthy or loaded with saturated fats and chemicals that can do more harm then stop hunger? Reply to this discussion / Report this discussion
CommentsReplying to this comment:
Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by EviesEarth, 663 days ago

I have read some studies on schools offering organic and natural lunches and putting the same quality of snacks in the vending machines. These schools reported better overall performance from the students. Stonyfields Farms (they make yogurt products) talks about this. They are a great organization, helping to educate schools on healthier lunches.

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  1. Re: Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by Anonymous, 661 days ago

    Wow, I wish that I had that option in school, the best thing I got was the salad bar, and that kind of old. Hopefully they will do this in more schools and improve education rates. I think it really has a big effect.

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    1. Re: Re: Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by RoxyMoron, 661 days ago

      Oops, that post was from me, but I forgot to log in! Too bad I can't delete it and try again!

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