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School Lunches Safe or Not?

Posted by angelicwriter, 659 days ago

Tags: kids schools

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What do you think about our kid's school lunches these days do you think they are safe and healthy or loaded with saturated fats and chemicals that can do more harm then stop hunger? Reply to this discussion / Report this discussion
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Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by happy2bg33k, 663 days ago

I think you're right-they can't afford to provide quality lunches. A lot of schools in the US are USDA funded and food provided so no matter how they prepare the food it's still the same ingredients. The best lunches my kids had (that weren't packed) was when they were in family-style daycare/preschool. The school was reimbursed by the govt for its expenses but bought and prepared their own food.

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  1. Re: Re: Re: School Lunches Safe or Not? by greenguy, 663 days ago

    And the most frustrating thing is that there's a great business to be built up there - putting local farmers and shops in touch with the schools nearby, so that the kids eat healthy, local food.

    Kids can even go out on trips to see 'behind the scenes' at the shops and farms, so they really get to understand where food comes from and how it reaches their plate.

    Schools lunches surely must have such an impact on the moods of pupils too - I wonder what teachers think about having the first class after lunch?

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