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Kids & Adjustment

Posted by angelicwriter, 648 days ago

Tags: kids

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Reading discussion "Kids & Adjustment" - Join this discussion / 3 comment(s)
How do you adjust your kids into a healthier eco frienly life without making them feel as if they are being deprived from what they are used to? Reply to this


  1. Re: Kids & Adjustment by happy2bg33k, 647 days ago

    That's a hard one! My kids don't mind it at home that much until they see things that their friends have/are doing and want the same. Hopefully the independent personalities will win out in the end and they will make eco-friendly choices on their own.

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  2. Re: Kids & Adjustment by EviesEarth, 642 days ago

    I really didn't think about this until my oldest started school. Before that, it was all they knew. It is difficult when they go to school and see what their friends have. I talk to my son about healthy choices and how his body works. I explain nutrition and health in a way that he can understand. Now that he is getting older (7) he is beginning to understand better. Oftentimes, he will ask me-is this healthy or how does my body use this?

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  3. Re: Kids & Adjustment by ecosrights, 440 days ago

    In a way, my son's allergies help us here. Because he can't have a lot of standard "kids'" food as it contains dairy, he has a generally healthier diet. He also asks if things are OK for him before eating, so we can say "no, it contains dairy" or "only a bit as it's not very healthy" and he tends to accept it. Who knows what it will be like once he's at school, but they do learn more from the habits of parents than anyone else, so it's down to us to set a positive example.

    He's certainly got the recycling sussed.....

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