Leeds Castle Christmas 2008
Posted by ecosrights, 92 days ago
Link: http://www.leeds-castle.com/goto.php?sess=u1766...

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Reading event "Leeds Castle Christmas 2008" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Christmas festivities, including the special lighting and decorations in the grounds, all start on the 1st December.
Father Christmas is there on the 6th and 7th then from the 13th to Christmas Eve.
They also have evening tours:
"New for this year are special evening tours on 15th, 16th, 17th and 22nd December from 4pm – 6pm, when you can experience the enchantment of the castle and grounds lit up at night. The castle will be transformed into scenes from the Nutcracker Suite, complete with vignette performances by young dancers.
The evening starts with a magical walk through the illuminated Wood Garden and includes a timed slot to tour the castle, with characters from the ballet coming to life in four rooms, and hot chocolate, winter punch and treats for the children will be on sale afterwards. "
It sounds magical.
Christmas festivities, including the special lighting and decorations in the grounds, all start on the 1st December.
Father Christmas is there on the 6th and 7th then from the 13th to Christmas Eve.
They also have evening tours:
"New for this year are special evening tours on 15th, 16th, 17th and 22nd December from 4pm – 6pm, when you can experience the enchantment of the castle and grounds lit up at night. The castle will be transformed into scenes from the Nutcracker Suite, complete with vignette performances by young dancers.
The evening starts with a magical walk through the illuminated Wood Garden and includes a timed slot to tour the castle, with characters from the ballet coming to life in four rooms, and hot chocolate, winter punch and treats for the children will be on sale afterwards. "
It sounds magical.
Start date: Mon Dec 01, 2008
End date: Sun Jan 04, 2009

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We've just been today and it was lovely. We wander through the trees just as the lights were coming on and christmas carols were being played and arrived at Santa's Grotto where the children were able to watch a Disney film while they waited to see Santa. Then they had a short tour guided by an Elf before seeing Santa himself. Our 4 year old loved it and hasn't put the gift down since receiving it!
A lovely afternoon out - even the weather was in our favour!
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