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Father Christmas at Polhill

Posted by ecosrights, 749 days ago

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Reading event "Father Christmas at Polhill" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
According to frequent visitors of the centre, Father Christmas is at Polhill Garden centre for children to visit him. There is no information about this on their website, but the source is reliable!


Start date Start date: Mon Nov 27, 2006
End date End date: Sun Dec 24, 2006

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  1. Re: Father Christmas at Polhill by shinningstar, 748 days ago

    That's a good news. I hope my sister will see Father Christmas. She keeps on asking about him at home. Unfortunately, Polhill Garden centre ia far from our place.

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    1. Re: Re: Father Christmas at Polhill by Anonymous, 24 days ago

      Its is worth the trip i take my two children now aged 3 and 5 everyyear since they have been born n we spend all day there its wonderful and magial, the restaurant is great and caters for verybody, prices are very reasonable n cater for everybody n need. we take a two hour trip to the place every year as is so great, the xmas display is out of thid world with all the trees and misc gidts n costumes its a day the kids will love n remember n will want to go back to, everyyear it improves.

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  2. Re: Father Christmas at Polhill - 2008 by ecosrights, 23 days ago

    The opening hours / details for 2008 are:

    Opening Dates and Times

    Saturday 15th November
    Sunday 16th November

    Saturday 22nd November
    Sunday 23rd November

    Saturday 29th November
    Sunday 30th November

    Then everyday from Monday 1st December until Christmas Eve

    Weekdays 11.00am-5.00pm
    Saturdays 10.00am-5.00pm
    Sundays 10.30am-4.00pm

    (Santa will be feeding the reindeer around lunchtime,
    times will be posted at the Grotto)

    Admission: £5.00 per Child

    As with the previous writer, our son (4) has been taken each year, and he's watched one of the reindeer growing up. He loves it.

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