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Posted by blindboy, 719 days ago

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Reading article "Autism" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
Hello just some information on autism. Well first of all autism is a condition where people use their hands and symbols to comunicate more or have slurred or a hard time developing speech. Autism is where various parts of the brain dont connect well with other parts of the brain. People uusually ahve over connections or under connections in teh brain and develope autism. These can define the various characteristics of the disorder. If you detect it early you can prevent autism in your child. Reply to this


  1. Re: Autism by srrh, 719 days ago

    I am not sure who wrote this or how to find out, but I hope you do not take what I am about to say as offensive. To put it bluntly, I don't think much of anything in this "article" is true. I have never heard of slurred speech being a symptom of autism. Some people with autism do not communicate verbally, that is true, but using "hands and symbols" to communicate is not part of the diagnosis.

    Also, it is theorized that underconnectivity is the cause of autism, but no one knows for sure WHAT causes. Here is a link briefly delineating the different theories of causes.

    Finally, autism cannot be prevented, and it is probably heartbreaking to parents of autistic children to read misinformation like that (thinking to themselves 'where did I go wrong' and the like). With intensive therapies started young, the severity of autism can POSSIBLY be lessened, however.

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    1. Re: Re: Autism by ecosrights, 719 days ago

      Hi Srrh and welcome to the site. It's always good to receive responses where people feel strongly about a post.

      I have to admit to not being very knowledgable about autism, so I've done a bit of reading and found a number of links that may be of interest to other readers:

      The National Mental Health Association talks about a number of the key syptoms of autism - their apparent inability to communicate and their lack of response to affection. I can only say that this must be VERY hard for any parent / carer / family member to live with and make what is very hard work seemingly unrewarding to anyone who doesn't know the child concerned. I have to admire the dedication that parents require in this situation.

      The Autism Society of America touches on how some people believe that some of the symtoms of autism can be lessened slightly through managing the diet, be it avoiding certain things or taking supplements. It does, however, say that this is something that specialists cannot agree upon. I'm sure that it is as with so many illnesses - it's such a diverse condition that what helps one individual may not affect another.

      Autism London talks about the impact that autism can have on all other members of the household / family and how early diagnosis can mean greater, more appropriate support from an early age, which can lessen the impact of some of the symptoms and help the child to develop into an adult that can have a greater level of independance in their lives.

      All in all, it's a very hard and challenging condition to live with, but one where the individual can, with the correct care and support, learn to live a very fulfilling life.

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      1. Re: Re: Re: Autism by srrh, 712 days ago

        My brother and cousin are both afflicted with autism, so I've grown up very close to the subject. I know a lot of what you've mentioned -- my cousin's was diagnosed earlier on and he has had a lot of different therapies, including a camp for those with autism every year since he was 2, and he is much more high-functioning than my brother, but still not approaching normal. As for managing autism with diet, that also can improve symptoms -- we removed gluten from my brother's diet for about two years and there was improvement, but again, he didn't come close to approaching normal. I think it is wrong to imply there are "cures" for autism, because it only makes the family members of those with autism feel like failures.

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  2. Re: Autism by jane, 712 days ago

    It sounds as if your family have an unfair proportion of people with autism, but at the same time you are very aware of what can and may not help (not cure, but at least assist with some of the problems), having explored so many alternatives.

    I'm sure that some of our readers would be interested to hear more about your family's experiences if you would like to post on any of them here.

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