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Latest Climate change posts in UK
- Uk and ca make a climate pack by Laura, 2006 days ago Tony Blair made a trip to California to meet with Arnold Schwarzenegger to address the issues of Climate Change. Both parties agreed to "commit...
- Monbiot on climate change by duncan, 1954 days ago George Monbiot is always a thoughtful writer and over the last few weeks his been writing about green issues in some depth. Not only is he a decent...
- Murray-darling's biggest water user by oeconomist, 1929 days ago Cubbie Station, the biggest water user in the Murray Basin, is having a good old whine (see link, to ABC News today) that their water capacity is d...
- Al gore hired by tony blair by duncan, 1916 days ago
- The big ask by thebigask, 1782 days ago
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