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Monbiot on Climate Change

Posted by duncan, 750 days ago

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George Monbiot is always a thoughtful writer and over the last few weeks his been writing about green issues in some depth. Not only is he a decent writer to have on your side, he's also started to filter through tabloids like The Sun in search of green news too:

"You have to pinch yourself. Until now the Sun has denounced environmentalists as 'loonies' and 'eco beards'. Last week it published 'photographic proof that climate change is real'. In a page that could have come straight from a Greenpeace pamphlet, it laid down 10 'rules' for its readers to follow: 'Use public transport when possible; use energy-saving lightbulbs; turn off electric gadgets at the wall; do not use a tumble dryer ... '"

Naturally, there's a book about all this too, called Heat, the website for which is here. You can find his personal website here and all of his Guardian articles are listed here.


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