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Murray-Darling's biggest water user

Posted by oeconomist, 812 days ago

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Reading article "Murray-Darling's biggest water user" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
Cubbie Station, the biggest water user in the Murray Basin, is having a good old whine (see link, to ABC News today) that their water capacity is down to 1%. They say that this should stop accusations that they're hoarding water.

Well, boo f*cking hoo, I say. It's the irresponsible use of water over the long term -- such as Cubbie's approximately bajillion megalitres a year -- that cause salination, topsoil erosion, deforestation, and overall change in Australia's agricultural climate in the first place. Not to mention the effects of all the cotton-related pesticides flowing downriver into the basin, Adelaide drinking water, you name it.

Interesting further reading here: http://www.rag.org.au/phildickiestories/cubbie.htm

I hadn't even heard of Cubbie Station -- at least not by name -- until today, but I kind of hate them already.


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