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Building Offshore Wind Turbines

Posted by duncan, 2 days ago

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Reading article "Building Offshore Wind Turbines" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
There are some pretty incredible pictures in here, showing what offshore wind turbines look like and, further down, how they are made.


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  1. Re: Building Offshore Wind Turbines by ecosrights, 1 day ago

    Those images, plus the windfarms I've seen, just add to my opinion that windfarms are actually very elegant structures. I certainly wouldn't have an issue with one being positioned within a reasonable distance (I wouldn't want to be able to hear them) of my home (if I was lucky enough to live somewhere with a view that some would say would be spoilt by a windfarm). I can understand complaints about pylons, but windfarms.... a different matter altogether.

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